
Samúðarkveðja UNI vegna fráfalls Nelson Mandela

6 des. 2013

Mandela: The world’s number one citizen

On the occasion of the sad passing away of Nelson Mandela, UNI Global Union’s General Secretary Philip Jennings said the father of a nation has been lost.

“UNI Global Union sends its sincere condolences to his family and the people of South Africa. The father of the nation has been lost. The world has lost its Number One Citizen.

On hearing news of Mandela’s passing, Jennings joined crowds gathering at the Mandela statue in Parliament Square in London to pay his respects to the former leader.

“We grieve this loss but we are inspired by his example of struggle, tenacity, sacrifice and ability to heal and bring a nation together.

“I had the privilege to meet with him and recall the thanks he expressed to trade union members everywhere who stood by South Africa in the dreadful days of apartheid.

“His long walk to freedom has come to an end but his struggle will never cease to inspire our struggle for a world of peace and justice.”

“The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days,” Mandela said. 

“The UNI World Congress takes place in Capetown 2014 in sight of Robben Island where Mandela was imprisoned for 18 long years. Our congress will pay tribute to the greatest humanitarian of modern times and will draw inspiration from his example.”

In 2014, UNI Global Union will launch the “South Africa: One Man, One Vote, One Job” competition for students from the Gymnase de Nyon. An artwork competition on the subject of a people’s struggle, symbolised by Nelson Mandela, fighting for their fundamental rights (the right to vote and the right to work), and its significance for young people today. The competition will give two students the chance to attend UNI’s World Congress taking place in Cape Town, South Africa next year.

Philip J. Jennings
General Secretary

UNI global union

8-10 Av. Reverdil
1260 NYON
Tel:  +41 22 365 21 26
Fax: +41 22 365 21 21„>!/PJenningsUNI

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